The Messer, also known as “Grossemesser”, is most commonly found in German treatises, and is the beginning of more complex hilts by the simple addition of a Nagel (nail) to the side of the handle. It doesn’t long before this progresses in the more eastern areas to include a knucklebow.
The Kvetun Messer is built in the traditional method, with the wooden grip riveted through onto the tang. Each sword is ~100 cm long.
There are several treatises that instruct on the Messer, the most complete is Lecküchner‘s.
Additional Treatises are:
- Hans Talhoffer’s Fechtbucher (~1455, 1467)
- Gründtliche Beschreibung der Kunst des Fechtens by Joachim Meyer (1470)
- Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey by Andre Paurñfeyndt (1516)
- Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (1512)
- Gründtliche Beschreibung der Kunst des Fechtens by Joachim Meyer (1470)
- New Kůnstliches Fechtbuch by Jakob Sutor von Baden (1612)
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